
How-to: John the Ripper on a Ubuntu 10.04 MPI Cluster

In this post I show step-by-step how you can setup your own “Super computer cluster” using Ubuntu MPI Cluster from multiple machines with the goal of bruteforcing strong encrypted passwords with John the Ripper for academic purposes.
Owners of quad core machines will also benefit from this setup as the “john” binaries found in the Ubuntu Repositories are compiled to run on only one core. I managed to decrease the time required to crack password hashes using this setup.
The post is meant to be plain and simple aimed towards the average user, thus I choose not to implement NIS, NFS, BIND, and other more complex technologies. A student should be able to setup and play with a computer cluster system at home without spend days reading through Linux systems-administrators books and manuals. I make use of Ubuntu 10.04 Server as it is the most commonly used available Linux distribution today and it’s a LTS (Long Term Support) version, which will be supported till 2015.
I suggest “MPI Programming” as the google keyword for those interested in learning how-to write programs for such systems.
If you have any suggestions, problems, comments or would like to contribute to this document leave a comment or email me.


First of all I must state that I’m no expert on MPICH, this guide is written by an hobbyist.
The cluster implementation presented in this paper is not meant for environments where high availability and security is an issue.


I found myself in a situation where I had to break up an old password of mine. Having a couple of computers around I started looking for a way to get them all working together.
This paper is the result of extreme frustration, an overdose of coffee and a sleepless night.


At least two networked computers running Ubuntu Linux version 10.04.
John does not require much bandwidth.

Configuring the Server


A static IP address or a reserved IP in DHCP.

Required packages

The following packages are required:
  • libmpich1.0-dev  –  mpich static libraries and development files
  • libmpich-mpd1.0-dev — mpich static libraries and development files
  • libmpich-shmem1.0-dev — mpich static libraries and development files
  • openssh-server — secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines
  • mpich2 — Implementation of the MPI Message Passing Interface standard
  • mpich2-doc — Documentation for MPICH2
  • john — active password cracking tool
  • build-essentials – Informational list of build-essential packages
petur@server:~$ sudo apt-get install libmpich1.0-dev libmpich-mpd1.0-dev libmpich-shmem1.0-dev mpich2 mpich2-doc john openssh-server build-essentials

Network configuration

By default the /etc/hosts file looks like this: localhost server.petur.eu server
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
You need to change the to your IP address.
<server.petur.eu> should be your FQDN and <server> is your machines hostname.
Find your IP by executing:
petur@server:~$ ifconfig|grep “inet addr”
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet addr: Mask:
/etc/hosts should look like this after you have changed it: localhost server.petur.eu server
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

User configuration

Create a new user called ‘cluster’ and add ~/bin/ to his path.
I find it most convenient to use the same pass for ‘cluster’ on every machine.
petur@server:~$ sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash cluster
petur@server:~$ sudo passwd cluster
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
petur@server:~$ sudo su – cluster -c “mkdir ~/bin;export PATH=~/bin:$PATH”

Configuring MPICH

MPI makes use of the following configuration files:
• ~/.mpd.conf
NOTE: The file begins with a .
This file must be chmod 600
The this file contains a single line “secretword=<password>” (replace <password> with your password, which must be the same in all ~/.mpd.conf in the cluster).
• ~/mpd.hosts
Contains the list of all nodes in the cluster, including the server.
The format of the file is “host:number-of-cpu-cores”, fx. if has 4 cores.
The number of cores can be set lower than the actual core number if you only want MPICH to use a specific number of cores without regard to the number of available cores.
For an example, if the server has a quad core processor you might want to set the value to :3 instead of:4 so the server can be used for something else.
DO NOT use localhost or, you MUST use a network reachable IP.
Check the number of cores available, and create the configuration files.
cluster@server:~$ touch ~/.mpd.conf
cluster@server:~$ chmod 600 ~/.mpd.conf
cluster@server:~$ echo secretword=pass>~/.mpd.conf
cluster@server:~$ /sbin/ifconfig|grep “inet addr”
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet addr: Mask:
cluster@server:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor|wc -l
cluster@server:~$ echo>~/mpd.hosts
Check if everything is in order by executing the following commands.
• mpdboot – start the cluster
• mpdtrace -  list all nodes in the cluster
• mpdallexit – shut down the cluster
cluster@server:~$ mpdboot
cluster@server:~$ mpdtrace
cluster@server:~$ mpdallexit
If the commands executed without any errors then your all set, if not then review the permissions on your ~/.mpd.conf, review your /etc/hosts and the contents of your ~/mpd.hosts

Installing John the Ripper

An MPI patched John the Ripper version can be found at www.bindshell.net/tools/johntheripper
cluster@server:~$ mkdir source
cluster@server:~$ cd source
cluster@server:~/source$ wget http://www.bindshell.net/tools/johntheripper/john-1.7.2-bp17-mpi8.tar.gz
Unpack it and run make from the src directory (use make|less if your resolution is too small)
cluster@server:~/source$ tar -zxf john-1.7.2-bp17-mpi8.tar.gz
cluster@server:~/source$ cd john-1.7.2-bp17-mpi8/src/
cluster@server:~/source/john-1.7.2-bp17-mpi8/src$ make
You will be presented with a list of options.
To build John the Ripper, type
make clean SYSTEM
where SYSTEM can be one of the following:
linux-x86-mmx Linux, x86 with MMX
linux-x86-sse Linux, x86 with SSE2 (best)
linux-x86-any Linux, x86
linux-x86-64 Linux, AMD x86-64, 64-bit native w/SSE2 (best)
linux-x86-64-mmx Linux, AMD x86-64, 32-bit with MMX
I’ve found linux-x86-sse2 to give the best performance on my intel based workstation.
cluster@server:~/source/john-1.7.2-bp17-mpi8/src$ make clean linux-x86-sse2
If the programs compiles OK check if it works
cluster@server:~/source/john-1.7.2-bp17-mpi8/src$ ../run/john -format=DES -test
Benchmarking: Traditional DES [128/128 BS SSE2]… DONE
Many salts: 1994K c/s real, 1994K c/s virtual
Only one salt: 1658 c/s real, 1654K c/s virtual
Move your newly compiled executables to ~/bin
cluster@server:~/source/john-1.7.2-bp17-mpi8/src$ mv ../run/* ~/bin
Run john and make sure you have the _mpi version.
If it does not then something is wrong with your PATH.
cluster@server:~/source/john-1.7.2-bp17-mpi8/src$ john|grep version
John the Ripper password cracker, version 1.7.2_bp17_mpi

Configuring extra nodes

Do the following each time you add a new node to the cluster.
This particular node has the IP address

Pre requirements

A static IP address or a reserved IP in DHCP.

Network configuration

Follow the same instructions as for the server, but of course use the correct IP address.

Required packages

Same as on the server.

User configuration

Choose the same password for ‘cluster’ as you did on the server.
petur@node1:~$ sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash cluster
petur@node1:~$ sudo passwd cluster
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
petur@node1:~$ sudo su – cluster -c “mkdir ~/bin;export PATH=~/bin:$PATH”

Configuring MPICH

The following commands are to be executed from the server and not on the new node.
Configure password less SSH from the server to the node.
cluster@server:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/cluster/.ssh/id_rsa):
Created directory ‘/home/cluster/.ssh’
Enter passpharse (empty for no passpharse):
Enter same passpharse again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/cluster/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/cluster/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
0f:d7:c4:14:cf:06:11:d5:80:ec:1f:c3:f3:3b:7f:22 cluster@server
The key’s randomart image is:
[picture omitted]
cluster@server:~$ ssh cluster@ mkdir -p .ssh
cluster@′s password:
cluster@server:~$ cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh cluster@ ‘cat>>.ssh/authorized_keys’
cluster@′s password:
cluster@server:~$ ssh cluster@ ‘cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor|wc -l’
cluster@server:~$ echo >> ~/mpd.hosts
cluster@server:~$  for i in `cut –delimiter=: -f1 ~/mpd.hosts`;do scp ~/.mpd.conf cluster@$i:~;scp
~/mpd.hosts cluster@$i:~;done
The authenticity of host ’ (’ can’t be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 2d:94:c6:40:b0:02:04:d9:86:c8:16:f3:e6:a7:9f:35.
Are you sure you want to countinue connecting (yes/no)? YesWarning: Permanently added ’′ (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
cluster@′s password:
mpd.conf 100% 16 0.0KB/s 00:00.
cluster@′s password:
mpd.hosts 100% 22 0.0KB/s 00:00
mpd.conf 100% 16 0.0KB/s 00:00.
mpd.hosts 100% 22 0.0KB/s 00:00
Now add the line: node1
to the /etc/hosts file on the server.
The final step is to replace the /etc/hosts on ALL of the node machines with the new /etc/hosts from the server. If this is not done then the following error will be shown when you try to boot the cluster
mpdboot_server (handle_mpd_output 407): failed to handshake with mpd on; recvd

Installing John the Ripper

Same as on the server.

Basic commands

Boot up the cluster using ‘mpdboot –verbose –ncpus=1 -n 2′
• –verbose :: gives us better overview of what’s going on in case of a failure.
• –ncpus=1 :: tells the server machine to assign 1 core to the cluster.
• -n 2 :: use 2 computer (server + 1 node).
NOTE, there are two dashes (-) in front of verbose and ncpus
cluster@server:~$ mpdboot –verbose –ncpus=1 -n 2
running mpdallexit on server
LAUNCHED mpd on server via
RUNNING: mpd on server
LAUCNHED mpd on via server
RUNNING: mpd on
Check if the cluster is working:
mpdtrace – lists all the nodes in the cluster
mpiexec -np 3 hostname, means “run the hostname command using three cores”
cluster@server:~$ mpdtrace
cluster@server:~$ mpiexec -np 3 hostname
mpdallexit – Shuts down the cluster
cluster@server:~$ mpdallexit

Using the MPI cluster to crack passwords.

I’ll use a simple MD5 hash as an example.
cluster@server:~$ echo user:47584a15f1ba6c65da3a2ef8e43e606b > crackme1.md5cluster@server:~$ mpdboot –ncpus=2 -n 2boo
The next two lines must be entered together in one single line.
cluster@server:~$ for i in `cut –delimiter=: -f1 ~/mpd.hosts`;do scp ~/crackme1.mp5
The above command used to distribute files to the cluster can be easily scripted.
— distributer.sh begins —
# usage: ./distributer.sh filename
for x in `cut –delimiter=: -f1 ~/mpd.hosts`;do scp $1 cluster@$i:~;done
— distributer.sh ends —
Use ctrl+c once the password has been found.
cluster@server:~$ mpiexec -np 3 john –format:raw-MD5 crackme1.md5
Loaded 1 password hash (Raw MD5 [raw-md5 SSE2])
Loaded 1 password hash (Raw MD5 [raw-md5 SSE2])
Loaded 1 password hash (Raw MD5 [raw-md5 SSE2])
petur1 (user)
Process 2 completed loop.
Threat: 2 guesses: 1 time 0:00:00:02 (3) c/s: 5616K trying: petciL – petusc
Remember to shutdown the cluster service after use
cluster@server:~$ mpdallexit
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