MPI in CodeBlocks
Codeblocks is great application development platform for serial code, however when it came to Fluid Dynamic you realize that serial code, executed on a single processor is very slow, one of the solution is to use openMP especially for multicore processor, but to do some serious computation you need MPI (Message Passing Interface). Only then, you can run you code on hundreds of processors and your application really take-off.
Unfortunately Codeblocks (my favourite open source IDE) don’t support MPI programs. Hopefully, when this is an open source you can solve the problem by your self.
Here is my solution to run console MPI code from Codeblocks:
First you need to compile you mpi code and link it to mpi library:
Under Windows you need to configure:
In Project/Build options/Linker settings/Add mpi (under linux add m or lm)
In Search directories/Compiler/Add  C:\Program Files\MPICH2\include
In Search directories/Linker/Add  C:\Program Files\MPICH2\lib
In linux you need to compile the code using mpicc go to Setting/Compiler and Debugger… and create a copy of GNU GCC Compiler with new name GNU GCC Compiler MPI. Go to Toolchain executables and replace the gcc and g++ with mpicc and mpicxx. Next step is to change you MPI project building setting to use new compiler setting.
This should compile your parallel code.
Now we need to start the executable using mpiexec or mpirun.
Our console program on windows is executed by cb_console_runner.exe and there is no support for other host program if your project is console application (most of parallel programs are). A few simple modification in cb_console_runner.exe allow to define -mpi argument.
Argument this must be define in Codeblocks menu in Project -> Set programs’ arguments?
-mpi <path to mpiexec> -n <number of processes>
-mpi C:/Progra~1/MPICH2/bin/mpiexec -n 8 
or (for linux)
- mpi /usr/bin/mpiexec -n 8 
You can download source code (main.cpp) and executable for windows and linux of cb_console_runner here:
Codeblocks project for hello world application in mpi is included (under linux make sure to create GNU GCC Compiler MPI with mpicc and mpicxx, for details see text above).
Thanks for reading and good luck with MPI, you will need it.